Tuesday, 21 August 2007

matcha cookies

Still trying to get through that humongous pile of laundry, but I couldn’t resist continuing my Japanese love affair and baking these bright green matcha cookies. I first saw them on Mae’s website; Fanny also made them and so did a whole bunch of other people. And all those people are definitely on to something, those cookies really are amazing – crumbly, buttery and very matcha-y.

Other than the fact these cookies are totally delicious and you simply must make them with the leftover matcha from when I urged you to make matcha ice cream (which remains my favourite, the cookies come in a close second), I’m afraid I don’t have a personal or interesting or funny story about these cookies. Those work issues are still dragging me down, I haven’t exactly been the most cheery person to be around these last couple of weeks, and I'm very guilty of seriously neglecting my blog. But if anything is going to cheer you up, it will be these scrumptious little matcha sweets!

Kelli from Lovescool, who makes these cookies for a living – lucky girl! – kindly provided the recipe on her website. She’s in the process of opening a shop in New York, which should be open next time I go there, and visiting that shop will be the very first thing I do.


Patricia Scarpin said...

These cookies are everywhere - they look wonderful, Inne!

SteamyKitchen said...

lovely cookies. i have a bit of matcha left...maybe they are destined to be put into cookies?

Helene said...

I need to restock on matcha so I can make the cookies and ice cream. B. is not fond of it, so more for me!!!

Pille said...

Lovely!! I bookmarked these cookies as well, and they've been popping up everywhere, getting lots of praise. I need to get my act together a.s.a.p.!

Unknown said...

those look fantastic!!! and i have some left over matcha too!

rhid said...

These look great! Like a shortbread. I just bought some matcha and only need a little so maybe I'll make these as well!